Essentially it allows the user to set up these folders, and set them to update if anything changes. Some of the new features we've integated in with these tools are a version history log, which allows the user to actually choose previous versions of a file if they want to review other edits, or undo certain changes that have been made externally to the file. Like photoshop, or video editing/audio edits. etc
So build was hanged I guess, finally crashed with following error:
An unhandled rejection has occurred inside Forge:
Error: Command failed with a non-zero return code (2):
fakeroot dpkg-deb --build /tmp/electron-installer--15490-2n5q3mB7VzLf/emedia-library_2.3.8_amd64
dpkg-deb: building package 'emedia-library' in '/tmp/electron-installer--15490-2n5q3mB7VzLf/emedia-library_2.3.8_amd64.deb'.
dpkg-deb: error: ar member size 14986929369 too large
at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/home/cristobal/git/desktop-mediaboat/eMediaDesktop/node_modules/electron-installer-debian/node_modules/@malept/cross-spawn-promise/dist/src/index.js:99:24)
at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
at ChildProcess.emit (node:domain:488:12)
at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:305:5)
cristobal@emedia23:~/git/desktop-mediaboat/eMediaDesktop/out$ du -sh *
16G eMedia Library-linux-x64
2.3M make
Yeah, something is wrong that folder is 16Gb now